Small tracts of really good wheat hay, how can you charge a p;rice that is profitable and not offend your neighbor?

mardi 14 avril 2020

I have a neighbor that has 3 small tracts one being 2 acres that he plants wheat and grazes it until Feb.1st tops it with 150 ppa. Nobody would cut, rake, and bale it for him so being the good neighbor I did which worked out timing-wise and did not put me behind 3 years ago. Last year it was a problem working him in and then he said he wanted all the hay. I put a pencil to it and the money just isn't right. So I catch him in the cafe to tell him I was done and he tells me he has rounded up about 60 acres for me. Some are 1-acre tracts. I do not want to be the ass but at standard rates, you can starve to death pretty dang quick. What is the most that you would charge them to cut, rake, and small square bale these small tracts profitably? The fields are spotless,  level, and fertilized. I can not come up with a number that is profitable and does not make it look like I am breaking it off in their ass. HELP!

Small tracts of really good wheat hay, how can you charge a p;rice that is profitable and not offend your neighbor?

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