Dilute CropSaver??

samedi 11 juillet 2020

Hi, I bought a BR 740 several years ago. It had a Harvestec system on it from a dealer. Farm Dealer supplied a new console for the Harvestec in the cab.  Anyways the Harvestec was a piece of $h!t. It would only turn on about 1 time out of 5.  Some days it wouldn't turn on at all. Next day it might work.      Harvestec blamed problem on connections. I being in the electronic business, soldered all the connections except the one into the console.  No major improvement. so I scrapped that piece of junk. (HAMMER)

I still have the pumps, and I built a speed control box. I now have a New  Holland cab mounted moisture display.  I also use a foot switch to shut off pump when not needed.   Last year we used Haysaver,  salesman told us we could dilute it to work with nozzles he supplied.   I just bought a mini drum of CropSaver to try, not sure if the nozzles I have, 800015 will work at 4 lbs  per ton.  My math tells me 8 lbs per ton is about as low as I can get it.  

Another reason, too fine a mist and the wind blowing, you lose some of the spray.  SO my question is , any reason I can't dilute the CropSaver 50% with distilled water?




Dilute CropSaver??

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