Sources of Butter and Cheese

mardi 28 juillet 2020

To begin with, I DON'T THINK ANY PERSON SHOULD BE TREATED wrong or taken advantage of. (Boy that messes up many politicians right there.)   


I am so disgusted with Political Correctness!   Sams goes whole hog to embrace rainbow people, the Maiden is removed from Land O Lakes butter and Uncle Ben is out and Aunt Jemima also.  Look forward to no more sports teams nor true history in this country.


So I am voting as I tell people at the ballot box and with the wallet.  Looking to find option for decent people who offer decent cheeses and butter.  I know they are out there.  Would like to find one who you would be proud to serve their product for the products quality and taste and also proud to support them for being a moral company.  Got any recommendations on a company or how to find them? 

Sources of Butter and Cheese

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