What a Cluster!

jeudi 30 juillet 2020

There is a farm on my way to town that never, I mean never mows their hay until the end of July when it is completely brown, then it is mowed and left for a week.  Well this year, it was cut in the end of April then nuked-not sure if it was Gramoxone or Gly but it was dead for a while.  Now it is solid johnson grass with patches of sorghum showing here and there.  It will be enough seed to set the county up for a long time.  They will probably bale it after it starts dropping seed and sell the bales to unsuspecting folks.  Argh!  We have land use taxation program here which is supposed to require you to control noxious weeds but no enforcement.  Makes it really hard on those folks like myself that work hard to maintain high quality fields.  ok, rant over but I don't feel any better and I have to drive by that cluster several times a week.  

What a Cluster!

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