Calling all livestock electric fence wizzards

samedi 31 octobre 2020

Ok, I have exhausted my level of limited knowledge on electric fence and could use some help.  I have three paddocks each with their own charger as it was easier than running extra long supply line etc.  All fence was replaced last year with treated posts and horse wire (heavy 2" x 4" wire).  They are electrified inside the paddock by cord above the top of the wire and 11 ga aluminum about 24" above grade off set from the posts.  Good grounding systems with 4 or 5 rod at least 10' apart and connected by insulated galv heavy wire as recommended by electric fencing companies.  Two paddocks are working without issue.  the third has some kind of back feed or whatever and has slightly electrified the regular wire fencing much to the dislike of customers.  I have a Gallligher brand fault finder and a digital electric fence tester which is probably a Zareba brand but there is nothing stamped on it.


I used the fault finder to trace a fault to a cross over (I cross over between high and low wire at corners and where I dead end wire on insulators to tighten.  While I did not see anything obvious that would cause a fault, I thought i at least had it localized.  Then Zeta came through and soaked us good.  this am I go out and I have the fault, then not then do etc.  The fault finder points in the direction of the fault.  I am running 10-12 KV on the line.  However, I can get low readings when I only get close to the fence which does not make sense to me (meaning I don't have to touch the hot wire to get a reading).  Granted it is not as high but still??  Also, I don't have to insert the ground end into the ground to get a near max KV on the line, just touch the hot wire.  How is that making a circuit or load?  One last question-  the hot wire is not going to ground unless an animal touches it and is grounded or there is a pathway by some other means.  Why is there a low amperage reading on both devices.  It does vary from 0.2 amp to 2.3 amps.



It's pretty frustrating but someone (maybe everyone else but me) knows what is going on or at least a few steps to suggest to figure out what is going on.  clearly out of my pay grade on this issue.  thanks.

Calling all livestock electric fence wizzards

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