Wheel Rake and Thin Second - Third Cutting

vendredi 9 octobre 2020

I've got a field with enough growth after second cutting that I'm tempted to take a third cut.


I know most here (from what I glean reading old posts) generally dislike wheel rakes, especially first cut.


What about where there is a thin 2nd or 3rd cut of hay to be had - if you could rake it up.  My understanding a wheel rake - rakes to the bottom of the stubble and would snag most of the thin cut.  They are also very wide, so maybe fewer passes across the field.


I like the idea of fewer passes across the field for low yielding, but high margin 2nd/3rd cuttings for horse quality square bales.  I have concerns the wheel rake might collect a lot of thatch and put it in the windrow too?


What are your thoughts regarding an 8 or 10 wheel V rake for thin 2nd/3rd cuttings - square bales.


I see them used here and there for IMHO decent low prices.  Wondering if I should add one to my collection...


Any sage advice is much appreciated.




Wheel Rake and Thin Second - Third Cutting

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