Sprayed Rezilon today

samedi 24 octobre 2020

Well, I finally got around to spraying my Rezilon today, sprayed 65 acres at 3oz to the acre. Won’t know the results for quite a while....I know the results of my bank account immediately tho :o it’s a pricey chemical. One thing you should be aware of....it’s a thick milky substance that doesn’t foam much so that’s good. However, you don’t want to let it sit for any length of time....mix it and spray it. I made the mistake of mixing about 200 gal in a 300 gal tank and went to get something to eat, came back 45 min later and it had started adhering to the inside of the tank....after spraying I had to really clean the tank to get as much of the “skin” out of the tank as possible. So, just be diligent about mix and spray....don’t dally around with this stuff.

Sprayed Rezilon today

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