Leasing a bandit?

lundi 14 mars 2016

Ok I unexpectedly picked up more alfalfa ground and now I just found out that 55 acres behind me is for sale because the 98 year old owner passed away. More alfalfa great, owning 55 more acres great! Now handling more bales with a bale a kicker not great! Paying for 55 acres of land NOT great at all so wish this would of happend 3 years in the future, but I know that I will forever regret not buying it. So I was planning on buying a new bandit next year, but what about leasing. GFC says they have companies that will lease them. Does anyone know the terms and if not what kinda of terms should be acceptable if I were to lease a bandit this year? Leases are foreign to me, but there's a chance it might just work for me.

Leasing a bandit?

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