Suggestions on improving rough stands

mardi 1 mars 2016

Since I have begun my journey in this amazing business, one theme has been consistent: I inherit older fields and try to rehab them. It's as if it was the only way. I have only taken over 2 fields that were producing hay the year before. 

Most of the fields I take over have rough, stemmy stuff: multi-flora, goldenrod, broomsedge, even blackberry in worst case scenarios.

Last fall, I picked up another 40-50 acres and begun rehabbing them. 

When I cut them, some had blackberry-pretty nasty, but after they were cut, they damn near looked like a decent hayfield. However, the woody stubble remains. 


1: if you had to rehab fields with a mix of basic, natural grass and small stickers woody stubble with NO spray, what is the fastest way to get them turned around? Should I concede a year of hay and mow them with bush hog like 5, 6 times? OR should I concede first cutting and bush hog instead, then bale 2nd cutting and sell as mushroom hay (this is the way I'm favoring). Would the woody stuff be dead by then? Would only 2 cuttings then a fall bush hogging be enough? 


2: If you were allowed spray. WHEN do I spray for maximum woody invasive kill?? I would use Clarity. What would you use? 



Suggestions on improving rough stands

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