Tedder Question

mercredi 2 mars 2016

Im sure this has been covered many times, but I don't want to search though dozens of threads to find the answer.  2 years ago, I purchased a 2 basket tedder, used it once, and that was it.  Had bad luck, but it wasn't the tedders fault.  The hay got rained on, and already stemmy 1st cutting just became twigs.  Last year I was able to have pretty good luck, and hit the windows right, and didn't NEED to tedd, but could have.  With as wet as it was, it was pretty damp between the windrows, so I was concerned if I tossed the hay into the windrow, it would actually increase dry down because it was laying on damp ground that wouldn't dry because it was covered up with hay.  Is this the case?  Im hoping to pick up 80 acres of custom farmed from start to finish this year.  With working full time, and already covering my own 50 acres, Im concerned.  Thoughts on the ground moisture between the rows and tossing a bunch of wet hay on it?

Tedder Question

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