2016 is in the books!

mercredi 7 septembre 2016

Finished the last of my 3rd cutting yesterday with 305 bales or pristine og, weed free, crunchy dry, wind blowing @15 out of the NW with about 40% humidity and 90 degree air temp.  Even a fool can make beautiful hay with that kind of weather.   talk about miller time.  Then there was a couple of snorts of Bullit bourbon on the patio with my squeeze that helped me rake to finish last night.   Bone dry here for the first time this season with no rain in sight.  Going to make fall seeding a real challenge.  Should be planting new field this week but the ground is too dry.


Finishing hay season is bittersweet.  Kind of like vacations, anxious to start, love to go, love to get home more.  Same with family visiting, love for them to come ready for them to leave.  Oh, well, time for some fun, certainly hasn't been much time for that the last several months.  time to start thinking about hunting and cutting firewood, may clean off some machinery but it is in pretty good shape right now.  Good luck to you blokes still trying to get that last hay done.  


Life is good.   rick

2016 is in the books!

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