Hay Season is over here.

dimanche 11 septembre 2016

Laid down 32 acres last week. I was using my Vermeer 504 to bale it with and we were averaging almost 7 bales per acre which is just astounding for around here.  The only fertilizer it got was turkey litter in the spring.  Anyhow, I had just dropped bale number 207 and the baler plugged up starting 208... looked back and saw smoke, popped open the bale chamber and saw flames, doused it with my water jug fast as I could then dragged burning hay out and stomped it out with boots... I think I just used up 10 years worth of Lucky Charms in about 5 minutes. Got the fire out, told the hired hand hay season was over, and all that's left to do is go down there and rake up about 12-15 bales worth of hay and burn it, because hay isn't worth enough around here to be worth it this year. Still can't believe that baler didn't burn to the ground.


Hay Season is over here.

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