New RTVX1140 Observations...

dimanche 11 septembre 2016

I traded off my Rtv1140...2010 model with about 1700 hours and picked up the new rtvx1140. We use these to check cattle mainly. After two days of ownership...and about 40 miles we sure are surprised how much better the ride is compared to the old one. In rough pastures that old one would make you chip a tooth. It looks like the radiator on this new one is about 100% better (larger and under hood) than the old side radiatior. We were always blowing out the radiator on the old one...and even when it was clean...after about 5 miles at 25mph is would start moving the guage over to the red. Looks like this one is 4 lug wheels and old one was 5? My dealer was out of tops but should have me one this week... I really like the tilt wheel.
Anyways...I don't think the cattle give a damn which one I was on (as long as I hand out a few cubes) but I think this one is a big step up from the last.

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New RTVX1140 Observations...

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