A very big thank you and farewell....

vendredi 24 février 2017

I would like to thank so many of you who over the last couple of years have gotten in touch with me to ask questions about the seed business, and specific genetics. Many have even made an investment with me, and the company I represent. At this time however, I have decided to make a transition away from the seed industry. This was a very difficult move for me due to the outstanding company I had the privilege of representing, and the many, many relationships that I have been able to form. 


This is an opportunity that I just could not pass on though, as I am now transitioning into my new role as Technical Nutrient Advisor for Rock River Laboratory. I am excited to learn and continue to grow and cultivate my network. I look forward to continuing my relationships with many of you.


My new contact information should you want it:





Best regards,


Nathan Hrnicek

A very big thank you and farewell....

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