Johne's disease

jeudi 16 février 2017

We have recently been getting a education on Johne's disease.  We had one of my uncles bulls that was not gaining weight, and was having diarrhea.   We took him into the vet last week, and has been diagnosed with this disease.  It takes two years from the time the animal was infected to the time that they start showing signs of the disease.  According to our vet they pick it up from eating grass or hay that has been crapped on.  In my uncles case these bulls were infected when they were calves; the hard thing to swallow is that these bulls are coming 3's.  So these animals had to come from the breeder.  The vet talked like my uncle should be OK with using these bulls, because they will be so disburse out on the range this summer, but my uncle is worried about spreading this disease to his herd.  If he chooses to replace his bulls this year, it is going to be a big hit.  It looks like way to deal with this disease is to come up with a management program.  


My question is has anyone else out there ever had to deal with this disease?


From what I understand the disease attacks the intestines so that the animal can't get the nutrients from the feed.  So they are eating, getting a belly full and starving to death.  

Johne's disease

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