Grazon P+D (Generic) - What is not to like????

mercredi 22 février 2017

Looking over other herbicides and while there is GrazonNext, there is or was Grazon P+D - which there are now generic versions.  I guess the patents ran out on Grazon P+D.


What I don't see is any label restriction (as with GrazonNext and other herbicides with residuals) that hay cannot be taken off the property for 18 months.  P+D has residuals, I think, as I read about it and with respect to the label - just not a restriction for moving hay off the farm for a given time period, which is good for us as we sell our hay.


Some reading on the internet indicated to me that P+D can cause a multi-year (maybe up to 3 years) seed suppression.  Bad if you are replanting or perhaps over seeding, but maybe good if you are trying to keep summer annuals under control in your hay.


Aside from having a license to apply the stuff, what is the downside to using the generic version of Grazon P+D ?  What do you like about this herbicide?


Just looking for more non-residual herbicides to add to our rotation - this one is on the radar.




Grazon P+D (Generic) - What is not to like????

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