Winter depression

mardi 14 février 2017

As many or most of you know last year was my first season putting up hay.  So naturally this is my first "off season" and it's not going well.  I usually get cabin fever during the winter but it's been worse this year because I keep thinking about haying.  It is a lot of work wrenching on broken down equipment and throwing squares in 90 degree weather but I can't wait for it.  Personally I think it's the payoff after all of the hard work and perseverance to produce a good solid bale.  Aside from that it's nice to be self sufficient and be able to feed your own animals.


A lot of people put up hay as part of there job but I do it because I enjoy the process. I don't think I've ever enjoyed something as frustrating and challenging in my life.  If you enjoy haying what are the reasons?

Winter depression

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