Bad udders

jeudi 4 janvier 2018

I have a cow with an irregular bag. And huge teats when she freshens. Last year I think it took calf at least a few weeks to be able to suckle her rear teats. Just too big.

She calved 2 days ago. Healthy 70-75# calf scottish highlander calf which was big to me. Most of my Highlanders have been born smaller. I know the weight on this one only because I weighed it and me on the bathroom scale prior to its final resting place.

It has been cold. But all seemed ok day 1 and 2. I could tell calf got a front teat yesterday. I came Home today, calf was still warm, but gone. Brought it inside to make sure. Yup. Gone. All of mamas teats huge. Calf didnt eat today.

I pasture breed and dont have as much control of calving times as I should. That said, I know I have had a handful of calves who thrived born in similar conditions (COLD). Calf was still warm when I found it today. Seemed fine day 1 and day 2.

My thoughts are calf couldn't suckle big teats. And mamas new name is Hamburger Steak.

Am I on the right track? I know I am on mamas future. How about calf's demise?

TIA. Second pic somewhat shows her bag. Definitely not ideal.

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Bad udders

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