Horse Progess Days

lundi 2 juillet 2018

Being I had my 1st cutting done, I thought I would take a little trip and soak up some old meets modern equipment stuff.  This trip was a little less than a 2 hour drive, I took a few pictures that will take a little time to get to computer to share with everyone.  But have some patience, I will work on getting them posted.
First a bit of history, seems every year there is a 'Horse Progress Days', this show rotates among 4 states (next year it's in Illinois I believe).  It always happens the Friday & Saturday before the 4th of July (they call this an international event). This year was like the 26th annual presentation.  The show is about using modern equipment, with horses.  So naturally, there is a lot of Amish / Mennonite's in attendance (it's for anyone that has an interest in farming with horses though). 
As we got closer while driving up to show, we could see more and more buggy tracks on the road.  When we got real close I told my grandkids, that it must have been real heavy traffic earlier with all the horse droppings still on the road (maybe even nose to bumper  :D).
There is all kinds of demonstrations, but I was more interested in the haying part (as you might have guessed).  The show had everything, from lumbering, truck farming, training horses, training sheep/cattle dogs, etc.  They also had a bunch of stuff for the folks that run the household.
Here is the web site for details.
Here are the first pictures.

Mower 2018 06 02
Mower 2018 06 01
Mower 2018 06 03
Mower 2018 06 04
Mower 2018 06 05

Pretty much what you would expect, I believe.


Now how about  NH 472 mow/conditioner, powered by true HP (runs so easy it only needs 4HP ;)).  The NH472 almost looked brand new BTW.


MowCon472HP 2018 06 01
MowCon472HP 2018 06 02
MowCon472HP 2018 06 03
How about a newer model NH (little different HP supply however).
MowCon 2018 06 05
MowCon 2018 06 05a
MowCon 2018 06 06
MowCon 2018 06 07
MowCon 2018 06 07a
MowCon 2018 06 08


Would you believe a Kubota disc / conditioner?


Disc Cutter 208 06 01g
Disc Cutter 208 06 01f
Disc Cutter 208 06 01e
Disc Cutter 208 06 01d
Disc Cutter 208 06 01c
Disc Cutter 208 06 01b
Disc Cutter 208 06 01a
Disc Cutter 208 06 02
How about a hay conditioner only, using only 4HP?  As a kid we had a JD conditioner (pulled behind the Farmall Super C), I didn't realize there was still a manufacture of such equipment.   The fly wheel was spinning pretty good, apparently no OSHA people were around. ;)
ConditioningHP 2018 06 01
ConditioningHP 2018 06 02
ConditioningHP 2018 06 03
ConditioningHP 2018 06 04
ConditioningHP 2018 06 05


Now, this one was really impressive (for me anyhow), can you believe the horse folks cutting 27' of hay per round, with a front mounted sickle mower?  I almost bet that's a wider cut than most folks here on HT cut.  You might notice a different type of sickle sections (at least to me they are different).  And no, I did not see the horses trying to take a bite of the stuff they were walking on. :P




I have to get more time to post more, hope you enjoy.



Horse Progess Days

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