Calf disappointment

vendredi 25 janvier 2019

Well my cow had her first calf today, some time after lunch I think. I wasn't home and when I got home @5pm, she was standing by a black pile so I went in and sure enough the calf was dead, she was nugging and talking to it and wouldn't let mess with it much. The calf's head was bent back and the tongue was sticking out eyes open and a little stiff, calf was dry but didn't look like it moved from the time it hit the ground.. I sort of think it broke it's neck when it hit the ground..


I didn't see any sign of afterbirth but the area around the calf was well worn from mama going round & round it so it could have been their but trampled now.. The calf was 1 month early ( 9 months )


What signs will I see if something is still inside mama like afterbirth, she is still heavy looking and I'm a little worried their might still be another calf in their..


Problem is I don't have a head gate to confine her but I can take her up the road where their is one if she needs checking by a vet..


What should I be looking for in the next few days???


Thanks, Chris  

Calf disappointment

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