Man, It's boggy out there

vendredi 4 janvier 2019

The sun is starting to peek out in the mostly cloudy sky . This has been one of the wettest few weeks I can remember. If not for the RTV, I'd be in bad shape as far as fence fixing goes. Actually, the RTV can hardly make it with the thin nobs on the front tires, but it has so far and now at least 4 days without rain ahead. Yaaay !!
I don't know how many inches it's rained but my gauge has been running over and the canal the gubbberment built across the bil property in the 50's or early 60's keeps claiming more land as the water swirls and eats at the banks. The fences have been claimed by it in several locations as ya'll might remember me posting last summer. Well this time was especially bad when it washed off a tree and took part of my electric fence with it. Of course it was raining when the 50 bulls decided to check the grass on the other side of the property powered by the washed away fence. I quickly tracked down the problem with my fence tester and then the battery on the tester went out.. alas .. my spare battery was dead as a doornail.. but that's what a fiberglass hammer and a t post are for.. along with good ears to hear the strength of the pop as the fence is shorted out by the hammer. :) I looked down the washed out area and found the remaining wire - fortunately it had broken off at the point where the insulated doughnut and jack had been on the tree. I was able to pull it down the area and reattach it to the power source at a gate by the wash and hooked it up.. I had about 2 inches of spare wire.Yet another blessing. :) The picture is a huge tree, although the canal dwarfs it. That's gonna be a problem too..
I am sure looking forward to Spring..
The bulls had gotten out but we got them back up ... now they want out and test the fence daily.

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Man, It's boggy out there

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