What did she get into

mercredi 23 janvier 2019

What a day; late yesterday we fed the cows because we were planning on making a trip down the Craig Colorado, but because they were supposed get snow we did not go.  Well we decided we should go check on the cows.  We seen one cow that looked like she had wooden tongue, and I seen one that was lame the day before.  We get all 108 head in and sort out all the ones that were lame, and doctored them.  You think that finding the cow with the wooden tongue would have been easy to spot; she did not have a number tag.  That cow was one of my uncles and most of his had a tag in each ear, well except the one we were looking for.  After going through all of the cows we sorted off my cows and all the cows with two tags.    This left us with about a dozen head or so.   By this time our stomachs had thought that our throat had been cut, so after lunch we went out I finally found the cow we wanted.  Got her loaded up and off the vet we go.  It turns out it was not wooden tongue; she must of got something wrapped around her tongue, and damn near cut the end of it off.  The vet cut it off and gave her a couple shots, by this time she was wanting to see someone; not a happy camper at all.  Had one hell of a time getting her loaded, and after getting her home we did not get her into the pen we wanted her in.  I am hoping that she will be in there tomorrow morning, and maybe not on quite with those that caused her so much pain.  

What did she get into

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