Looking at a NH BR740...

jeudi 21 mars 2019

So, it's early spring... which means auction season!


I'm looking at a BR740 silage special that's going to be in an auction in just over a week and one of the things I knew to look for (thanks to searching previous posts on here) was the sledge rolls.  They don't seem to have too much backlash in the gears, but I did notice that the top roller looks like it has been banged around a little.  It has several flat spots and dents and I'm wondering what would have caused this and if it will be a problem or not?  The other rollers don't seem to have the same damage.


KIMG0823.jpg KIMG0824.jpg


Other than this, the baler looks in pretty good shape (for a used baler).  From what I can see it falls into the category of 'used, but not abused' and does have some nice options including the wide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, twine and netwrap as well as the bale-slice option (not the crop-cutter).  I don't know if I'd use the bale slice option or not, but if the price is right, I don't know as I'd care.  It does look like it had an applicator system on it, but that has been removed.  I need to check with the dealer to find out what type of monitor it has.  They keep things like that locked inside... keeps them from getting 'lost'.


Thanks in advance for your help, Josh

Looking at a NH BR740...

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