Sheep Cheese

mercredi 20 mars 2019

Watching a show on SC ETV  called Taste Makers. Their show is very interesting as it is about a farm in Missouri called "Green Dirt Farm". They make Sheep Cheese. Very interesting. Good varied organization. Not many years old.  Might be an viable option to those cow dairies looking for profit options. They have from sheep for cheese and vineyards for wine. A neat operation. Many of the workers are ladies. Would say the size of sheep helps with that over the size of cows. Think it was said over 90% of sheep cheese in the US is imported from Europe. Also was said the US milk sheep do not produce as much milk as I understood the European sheep do. To me would be a good visit on vacation.


well found the show, use this link and look for green hill farm on the list on the left side of the page.



Think you will enjoy but, more so hope it helps some find an insight to improve their business and income. 

Sheep Cheese

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