Oats VS Rye Grass To Overseed For Hay

vendredi 8 mars 2019

Hello everyone!


So I'm planning to overseed four of the fields that I'm making hay on this year. Partly to try and get ahead of some of the weeds that grow on them, mostly because none of them have any "good" stands of desirable grass, its basically just mixed pasture grasses and weeds. This is on ground I'm leasing on a yearly basis, thus I'm not wanting to invest a lot of money in this. I mainly want a crop thats hardy and idiot-resistant, that'll give me a good quantity of hay (most people I sell to just want "clean" and "cheap") and be very cost effective for the aforementioned reasons.


Basically, the plan is to disk, broadcast seed, and disk the seeds in. I have an 8' pull type disk harrow and a rotary "cone" three point spreader.


Its looking like oats would cost a fraction as much to plant as the rye grass, and other things being equal, I'm leaning that way. My questions:


1) Could I expect two cuttings off of the oats (I've been told that I could off of the rye)
2) Does anyone have firsthand experience doing this, or something similar? Your advice and thoughts on this would really be appreciated. Thank you!

Oats VS Rye Grass To Overseed For Hay

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