What Grass to Plant In New Hayfield?

mardi 26 mars 2019

We are in Alabama. A good friend and neighbor just bought some property and 40 acres have been in corn/beans for years. He asked my opinion on what to plant. He would really like to get some hay production this year.

Normally I would suggest Bermuda. I have had trouble with army worms and Bermuda Stem Maggots with my newer Bermuda field and I am leaning towards recommending Tifton 9 Bahia.

The problem with Bahia is it is a hard seed and takes two years to really establish. Usually three years before you get a really good yield.

I asked an Extension Agent about planting Bahia with Millet, giving the Bahia time to germinate while getting a stand of millet for hay. He did not like the idea due to the millet suppressing the Bahia.

Since he wants to grow hay now, and give up his smaller free lease fields, I think it might be better to plant Pearl Millet soon and drill ryegrass this fall. That would solve immediate needs but would put him another year behind in getting a permanent grass.

Any thoughts?


Also, the beans were not harvested this year and there is a good stand. If he cut them close with a batwing, would any beans come up? Would not mind some beans in with the hay this year.

What Grass to Plant In New Hayfield?

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