UREA had NO Impact?!

lundi 13 mai 2019

I'm in mid-Michigan, and finally after the fields dried out a bit I went down to the local co=op and asked for whatever fertilizer they'd recommend for my 100% pure orchard grass field. The field this year looked awful after winter, like maybe half the grass had died (it's only 2 years old). I had even overseeded last fall with more orchard grass to help fill in bare spots . . .


Anyway, I had only 10 acres dry so they gave me one ton of urea, or about 200lbs per acre. I applied with a spreader cart, and we received light rain that night and over thenext week maybe a bit over an inch.


The grass has been slightly light green prior to the urea, and I recall last year having a similar issue. I ran soil samples but they never seemed to have any plan for how to amend my soil to help my grass, and sold me a few rounds of sulfer last year thinking that was the issue. Last year we fertilized with "Black Label Gold" with zinc. I DID notice last year that areas with extra put down were much thicker and darker though . . .


Anyway, the problem is my boyfriend went out after a week and looked at the field and was upset because he didn't think the Urea was working . . . it seemed just as pale as before.


I honestly would rather do manure instead of chemicals, but BF has been reluctant to the idea. We do have cows, horses, chickens and dogs, so we had previously just been dumping it or pasture spreading.


I think the soil pH was about 6.5 and it's a heavy clay soil on a hilltop . . .


oh, and I'm not new but for whatever reason can't remember my log in info, hahaha

UREA had NO Impact?!

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