PLan B/C/D?

dimanche 5 avril 2020

I' m looking for some thoughts/opinions here.


I have a field that I wanted to plant in a OG/timothy mix by frost seeding it in but the wash-out ditches were too big to work up and it rained most of the winter (Right now, I'm at 12" YTD where normal is 5+").  Just got back from looking around all my fields and even bare dirt is sopping wet at 1" deep.


It looks like there might be a chance to get it worked up a little this week,but I'm thinking it's a little late to be planting the OG/timothy. 


I thought about planting some spring oats for hay,  but it is a little late for that as well.


Any thoughts about a plan D?












PLan B/C/D?

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