First time haying and weather/rain window

lundi 6 juillet 2020

First time to cut about 60 acres of grass fields at contract field that is leaning heavy in boot stage but lots of rain last 2 weeks so looks like decent undergrowth. Anyways, weather here has been pretty rainy, Today is totally dry, tomorrow is 50-60% chance of rain, Wed and Thur dry, and Fri is suppose to be dry till mid afternoon but don't exactly trust that so would consider fri a total gamble. Cutting with a JD Moco with rollers. Should I mow today, if rain tomorrow/tuesday ted wed and bale thur? Or cut tomorrow during or in-between rains, ted wed morning and bale thur, or Cut wed, ted wed evening and try to bale thursday afternoon? (seems to tight for curing) Any input would be great!

First time haying and weather/rain window

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