Another troublesome grass - Dallisgrass

vendredi 25 septembre 2015



Vasey grass had been eliminated out of my coastal hay after 2 years of spraying a combination of Roundup 24 ounces per acre and Impose 12 ounces per acre.  



Next up is Dallisgrass is now a problem in some areas of my cow pastures.   A bunch of the stuff is in my Alicia field.  After researching the web for products to kill it, there was some mention of Revolver and one other however they seem to be more geared towards residential problems.  


My search of HayTalk revealed these two post from Mike:


"I had dallis grass real bad in a Orchard grass field which I killed out with took 6 pints/acre of glyphosate to kill thedallis grass. That stuff is tuff.
Regards, Mike"
"Takes alot of glyphosate to kill bahia like it does dallis grass......about 4 quarts to the acre....I have used 5 quarts to the acre to kill a heavy infestation of dallis grass. And plenty of least a quart per 100 gallons of tank mix.

Regards, Mike" 
My questions:
1)  How much glyphosate per acre?  
2)  Okay to hit it now?
​3)  Any experience on what the glyphosate will do to my Alicia?

Another troublesome grass - Dallisgrass

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