Invasive grass, need ID/help

dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Can somebody tell me what kind of weed or "grassy weed" this is? I'm sure you've seen it. It grows "flat" with stems radiating out up to 2 feet or longer, then they curve upward into vertical stems sticking straight up 12-18 inches. Sometimes the entire plant can be almost 4 feet wide. About half of our front yard is now consumed by this stuff, and it's spreading rapidly in our pastures. The rest is bermuda.

If you dig it up, it leaves a hole in the ground the size of a salad bowl. Is there any way to control it, or can we at least identify it? These pics were right after mowing it. The center part looks dry and dead, and the radiating stems are green.

One person said it was "Dallisgrass" but to me Dallisgrass looks sparser - this stuff is really thick. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Invasive grass, need ID/help

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