Concern About Blister Beetles in Hay?

lundi 21 septembre 2015

Saw it mentioned in the shoutbox this a.m. and found the story here

Same story here but click on the pictures to the left and there's one with a photo of dead blister beetles found in hay


We are located in west central Illinois and I used to think that blister beetles couldn't tolerate our harsh winters but I researched them and learned that they can be found in almost all of the continental states. I do believe there is a greater proliferation of them in the southern states. I've had a few customers ask me if there were any blister beetles in the hay before but now that this story has broke, I'm sure the picky horsey people will be even more picky.

We have not really seen much of these beetles in our area. Has anyone else in the Midwest seen them?



Concern About Blister Beetles in Hay?

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