Feeding Good Hay

mercredi 23 septembre 2015



To make a long story short, I cut my third crop (80 bales) early so I could go to the lake over Labor Day weekend.  It appears my hay is a 'little hot' to offer as free choice.  I've attached the Feed & Forage Report.


I like feeding free choice hay.  I have 6 bail rings for my cows.  it last them 2-3 days.  I feed bales on Wednesday and Saturday evening.


Anyone have any good idea's?


Things I've thought of:

1) Sell it.  (hay around hear as dropped in price)

2) Shred it and some other lower quality hay, and skid steer feed it on the weekend.


I'm looking for other ideas.


FYI -- I don't have any TMR or bale processing equipment.  I would have to have pay someone to come and process it for me.


Attached File  CCF09232015.pdf   517KB   1 downloads

Feeding Good Hay

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