High Stubble Kit on NH 1409-1410

mercredi 30 septembre 2015

I spent a lot of time and money on overseeding og this fall and we had a toad strangler last night followed by predicted rainy weather for the next week topped by the good prospect of a tropical storm dumping on us on Sunday night.  That said, we have all of Oct for that og seed to make something of itself.  overseeded at 17#/ac.


I have already hiked my cutting height to the max on my 1409 but think it is still too low.  I am considering a high stubble kit.  Question for HTers-


Anyone using one of these on a NH1409 or 1410?  What is your stubble height range with them?  if you have lodged hay, do you take them off or just grin and bear it?  Did it make a difference in sustainability of your stand of og?  I have one field of timothy, but no alfalfa so that is not a concern.  Thanks in advance.  rick

High Stubble Kit on NH 1409-1410

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