Surprisingly consistent yield per acre per cutting across parts of the U.S.

lundi 28 septembre 2015

Hi all,


I had some opportunities to talk to alfalfa growers and analyze data gathered from various sites and forums.  One thing that struck me was the consistency in yield (in tons) per acre per cutting.


For example, someone in Texas reported 6 tons per acre per year with 4 cuttings (1.5 ton per acre per cutting), some high production farms in California are able to squeeze in 9 tons per acre per year with 7 cuttings (1.29 ton per acre per cutting), and some farm in Iowa managed to do do 5 tons per acre per year with 4 cuttings (1.25 ton per acre per cutting)


There are more data, but they are all between 1.25 tons to 1.75 tons per acre per cutting.  Am I seeing something here?  Do they sound right to you?




Surprisingly consistent yield per acre per cutting across parts of the U.S.

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