To Cut or Not?

mercredi 9 septembre 2015

I have two situations that I would like input on.  Both involve decisions to cut, either with a bush hog or for baling.


I reseeded everything with timothy (one field) or orchard grass between Aug 21 and 25 with a GP 10" NT drill.  It is starting to come up despite virtually no rain in Aug and so far in Sept.  However, we are assured :P of rain tomorrow by the weather man and it does look very promising.  The hay in the existing fields is almost not worth cutting but I would like to give the new seedlings the best chance to come on.  Would you clip these fields with a bush hog?  I am afraid that the multiple trips with a discbine, rake and baler would really put a damper on the seedlings.


The second situation is new og in a teff field.  the local Coop botched the spray job and the teff is not dead.  some is heading out at about 12-14".  It is spotty as some of the teff died under its own weight as I had to wait and cut it after it headed.  Should I clip it or wait till the frost kills the teff.  In some respects, the teff is like a cover crop and we used to plant og and timothy with wheat and it wasn't released without competition until the following July after being planted in late oct early Nov.  Just curious as to what haytalkers thoughts are.  thanks.  rick

To Cut or Not?

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