Bill (hay wilson in TX) Wilson

vendredi 21 octobre 2016

Today I got a PM from our good member and educator Vincent Haby. He spoke with Bill Wilson today and said Bill sounded good, but is occasionally still having some temporary memory loss that comes and goes.


It sounds like hay wilson in TX, as we know him, has probably retired from farming as Vincent said Bill told him that he had sold his place and was just enjoying life now.


Life goes on for all of us....some of us will be like Bill and health will force us to retire...some will retire because they just get tired of ag...and some will be forced out for economic reasons. I guess what I am saying is to enjoy it now....for tomorrow is not promised.


Thank you Bill (hay) Wilson for your expertise and wisdom....and especially for helping to make "Haytalk" a very credible and resourceful website.


And thank you Vincent for contacting Bill and informing us.


Oh, btw, I purposely placed this into the Alfalfa forum as Bill dearly loved his lucerne.


Best Regards, Mike Young

Bill (hay wilson in TX) Wilson

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