Selling teff

mardi 18 octobre 2016

I planted teff last year and really thought it was an outstanding grass. Tested good rfq (can't remember the numbers right off the top), yeilded great and had potential to make a bunch of money. However my experiment on my one acre test plot left me with about 100 bales of "funny looking hay" that was eventually donated to the local ag college. I used my best marketing tools and was only getting the "nah I'll pass" or the "can I come try one bale" from the picky horsey people.
The other day I was approached by a neighbor who asked what the best way to go about rotating Alfalfa while still keeping a hay supply, and I suggested teff and told her my results. She became very excited and hired me to take over her feild to plant teff. So now I'm in a pickle, she wants to go shares on teff to feed her horses but I'm hesitant in the idea of planting something I can't sell. I also don't want to tell her no and close the door on the opportunity to farm the Alfalfa the following years. So how well are you teff guys selling your hay? How did you market teff? Thanks in advance

Selling teff

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