Realistic Yields

mardi 25 octobre 2016

Going over a soil sample form to get some soil analysys' done and one of the entries to fill-in is "Your Yield Estimate"

I gather that a big variable in maintaining/improving one's soil conditions is some expectation of the desired yield....

Here's what we got for next year:

Established Timothy, one field Clair, one field Climax.

A couple of new fields with Clair Timothy.

One field - legacy mixed grass.

One field to be planted in Teff grass

Our Timothy is a one cut and done deal.

The Teff and mixed grass will be cut through the summer as necessary.

Considering the above, what is a reasonable tons/acre yield to be expecting/estimating for next year's fertilizer/lime planning?

Any wisdom is much appreciated.


Realistic Yields

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