Conditioner Roller

mercredi 26 octobre 2016

I make top quality hay for horses, has Dryer for hay where I dry 84 bales at a time and up to 250 bales, round bales size in 48 "height 59".
I make hay in Denmark, and I have a challenge in dry hay, out on the field enough down so it is storable. (12-18%)
It's hard to get moisture in the hay below 23-30% before we bale, would like down to about 20-25% before we baler.
Grass is timothy and other grasses are the most stem as alfa alfa.
I tend it 2 times per day for 3 or 4 days and bale it on the 4 day. (round bales)
the leaves are on the four days dry, but the stems are not, especially the knees are difficult to dry.
mower we use is with flair conditioner in Europe.
However tried one individual mower with rubber rollers with cevron pattern, a new class disco, where the pressure on the rollers were held with a spring and the rollers could not be adjusted perfectly, = there were spaces between them.
The weather in Denmark in summer:
 In day time 22-26 degrees celcuis humidity 45-65%, at night 15 degrees celcuis and humidity 100%.
I go and are considering whether to buy a mower with steel rollers Vermere mc 1030 because parts can be reached at Lely Denmark.
have considered to build the Circle c super conditioner after the steel rollers on Vermeer mc 1030 = 2 types off conditioner steel on steel and rubber on rubber with air suspension.
or and reconditioner Recon 300 or macerator 6620th
Have read almost everything online about conditioning and crushing of grass straw.
Is there anyone who can help me, to tell about their own experiences.
Best regards 

Conditioner Roller

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