October grass hay.... stressful

mardi 18 octobre 2016

I am posting this as another update to my hay learning process.  I cut with my sickle bar IH 27V starting on Friday (ran out of day light) and finished on Saturday.  It promptly rained Saturday night and Sunday morning probably an inch or more.  Against better judgement and probably good advice I raked it up yesterday... I know I know it dries better unraked but I just couldn't let it sit there totally saturated.  I thought if I raked it the ground would have a chance to possibly dry up a little.  I thought that by drying up the ground when I raked the next few times it would be better situation.  It did look ridiculous raking wet green grass...... I knew ahead of time that we were supposed to have high winds last night and all day today.  Another thought was that if I raised it up a little in a windrow the wind could blow through it better than if it was flat.


I just got home from work and ran out to check the field.... I was PLEASANTLY surprised how much the windrows had dried down.  I picked up some grass and it was a little crunchy which was promising! The bottom was still damp but not wet.  I'm guessing it was greatly in my favor that the windrows were moderately sized instead of large.  The forecast is calling for 0% - 20% chance of rain through next Monday.  I know this means jack crap this time of year.  I'm hoping to flip it tomorrow after work let it dry all day Thursday and if need be rake again Friday and bale.  I'm really hoping it doesn't rain...............

October grass hay.... stressful

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