dry enough?

jeudi 20 octobre 2016

I don't have a moisture meter or anything technical to measure moisture.  My hay is dry"ish" what I mean is some is dry some has moisture still in it...  without knowing for certain the moisture content I don't know if I should bale or not.  I could keep waiting which wont hurt unless it rains of course.  My info is very vague I understand but can hay that has more than ideal moisture still turn out if it's close "enough" to proper moisture level or is it always a certain disaster. 


I keep raking opposite directions only using the end of the rake to just flip it... or I raise the left side and lower the right to kind of feather it out or spread it out.  With the humidity high and mainly cloudy days it's drying really slowly.  I've obviously have it cut and mainly dried out.... I'd really prefer not to lose it at this point.  Is it worth baling in the next couple days and crossing my fingers? Or smarter to not bale at all unless it's dried for certain...

dry enough?

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