Had a meet up yesterday

lundi 16 janvier 2017

As some/most of you know, we have a small goat farm. We have been in the process of building a milk room/tack area in the barn. When we went to the National ADGA show last year, BCZoom mentioned that he had some material for it that he would sale me. I wasn't able to swing it at that time as we didn't have room for it (who would think, two big vehicles pulling two big trailers and no room). Well as things have started progressing I sent him a PM to see if it was still available - and it was. So yesterday my family and I hopped in the Suburban with the utility trailer in tow. We drove 256 miles to meet Brian (BCZoom) and tour his famous bunker. Have to say, didn't get to spend a ton of time as he was on call, but still was there about 90 minutes or so. In that time period I learned he is a heck of a nice guy and super smart that own a pretty cool bunker which he can tell you everything about. We forgot to get pictures, but have to say, even though it was a 500 mile+ round trip, it was worth it to meet Brian after 13 years or so of conversing and then getting to see the bunker.

Had a meet up yesterday

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