Maine Ag Trade Show

jeudi 12 janvier 2017

I need to get off the farm more!!


The wife and I had a luncheon with the Maine Commissioner of Agriculture at this years Maine Agricultural Show. It was pretty neat, we allocated 2 hours before the noon meal to see the trade show, and in that time saw exactly half of it. When I get off the farm...a rarity except for church...I run my skimmer and I had so many friends and stuff to talk too. It was like a reunion.


I got the low down on something big the Feds are doing in the Northeast to bolster to the lagging forest products industry as we are crippled here right now. I also saw my old advisor for the small business administration and we set up a time to meet and discuss running the numbers on 250 more sheep. I have really been feelng glum these last few weeks because my farm just seems to be simmering and not thriving, but after talking with so many people, there is a bit more hope. We are even getting looking at getting into some sort of alternative energy too. I do a little with geothermal now, but I would like to do something with a digester or maybe wind...I live on a big hill after all.


I also saw a lot of new equipment. A company out of Quebec had some stuff on display for shredding forest debris that really caught my eye and got me thinking.


All and all it was a lot of fun and makes me feel a bit better about the future.

Maine Ag Trade Show

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