Advice for the spring planting

samedi 21 janvier 2017

I am having a few acres of timber cleared and I won't be stumping it this year.


The stumps are all at ground level as the loggers are doing a great job.


My plan is to rake the ground as clean as I can, drag a harrow around to loosen the soil some.


Question is what could I plant that will help hold the soil in place.


I plan to spray glypo on the stumps before they start regrow as best as I can then spot spray as needed.


All I really want to do is hold soil & be able to spray weed as they come.


In a couple of years I will get the area mulched and plant more Fescue but that's a ways off now..


I won't be harvesting what I plant, leave it for the wildlife to use right now.


What would be something economical to use in this area that might survive in hot dry summers....


Pic of the area for reference...


Thanks, Chris 


land pic.jpg

Advice for the spring planting

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