2017 Haying Photos and Videos

mercredi 25 janvier 2017

I figured it's time to get a new thread started for 2017. I know it's a bit early but things coming along pretty good here so far.


They're trying some Cereal Rye for an early hay crop this season. It was drilled in on Nov. 3rd and was an 1" high within 4 days. The stuff is coming on a bit sooner than I think it should in this area but with a Winter with almost no cold weather so far what can you expect. We did have about 7-8" of snow about 3 weeks and two nights in the single digits but that's really about all the Winter we've had. We've also had 7" of rain already this year.


These were taken Jan. the 5th.








2017 Haying Photos and Videos

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