Smooth brome seeding rate

jeudi 2 février 2017

I decided to go ahead and try to plant the smooth brome today. I'm only planting a couple small fields so if a spring planting doesn't do well I'm not out a whole lot. Since I'm able to get it planted this early I'm thinking it might have enough time to get well established before the heat of summer and it might do okay.

My question is what seeding rate would you suggest for a pure stand of smooth brome? I'm no tilling it with a JD 1590 drill into teff stubble so there isn't much residue at all. I was aiming for a 25 pound per acre seeding rate. The drill doesn't have brome on the chart so it was kind of a guess what rate to set the drill at. After a few adjustments I thought I had it pretty close but I ended up only planting 19-20 pounds per acre after weighing the extra seed I had left over. The seed was 90% pure and 85% germination so if I'm figuring it correct I planted about 15 pounds of live seed. Will this be enough to get a nice thick stand or should I drill the field again to plant a few more pounds of seed? I have another field I can plant to use the extra seed if I don't need to thicken up what I planted today.

Smooth brome seeding rate

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