round baler - which one to buy???

mardi 2 janvier 2018

  I am planning on buying a different round baler between now and Summer 2018.  I will be looking to purchase new rather than used.  I currently have a Heston 840 which I bought new in 2001.  Has been an outstanding baler but I am looking to upgrade from a 4x4 twine only baler to a 4x5 net/twine version.  I generally custom bale 200-300 bales per Summer but will be looking to increase to around 500 x season.

  My question is which baler to buy?  My options, based on availability, knowledge of machine, user friendliness of the control boxes etc, dealership local and price range in no particular order are;


- Massey Ferg. 1745

- Vermeer 5410 Rebel



  ** Ive heard good and bad on all models;


- Massey 1745 - good dry hay baler, but bale may wedge in chamber and not roll out.  If hay is a tad damp it wont bale well and also if baling very heavy windrow it may plug up. Gathering wheels assembly looks like an add on afterthought patent. 


- NH RB450 U. - Makes a nice 4x5 bale but Ive had THREE different salesmen tell me this baler wont hold up over the long haul as it just wasnt made heavy/solid enough.  They say Id be better of going with a NH BR7050 which is twine only and is a 4x4 bale. Tempting as I can get a new one (BR7050) for $13,500 but it's small and not really what I want size wise. 


- Vermeer 5410 Rebel - I know NOTHING about this baler and the closest dealer is about two hours away.  What Ive found on line is it makes a nice bale and is generally a trouble free baler but IDK???


  **  In my area I can honestly say I haven't seen any of the three models out in the fields during my travels.  Generally around here it's the JD Green and/or NH bigger models which I cannot afford.  I have plenty of HP to pull whatever I end up getting so thats not an issue and I want something thats easy to program and tie/wrap.  I dont want/need touch screens and flashing lights, bells and whistles.  Any suggestions guys???

round baler - which one to buy???

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