Tetanus vaccine

jeudi 2 mai 2019

Just a heads up to those of you thinking of banding older bull calves. Tetanus vaccine has been recommended,but is in very short supply currently. So start looking before you are going to need it. They are to valuable to lose over a buck or 2 for a tetanus shot. Or figure on vaccinating with another form of the tetanus vaccine that has to be given and then boaster shot given at which time you can band them.




I prefer to knife cut them and am not afraid of working big calve, but with warm temps and more flies not so much.  Also much easier to have them headed and healed, and good  cowboys are in short supply around here too.  I only have 2 at this time that were off in the mud miles from the the pavement when the rest were done.Probably keep these as bull and sell at weaning now.

Tetanus vaccine

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