NH Br780 with Netwrap and Bale Command Plus problems

mercredi 16 septembre 2015

Bought a new baler... well, a new to us but used baler.  Its a 2005 baler and we are not familiar with Bale Command so has been a learning curve with our new baler in the field ...with 90 acres of hay down.  First time out we had error issues with the tailgate which we recified.  Baler would roll bales normally, beep when getting close to desired size and then alarm when is.  It is both a netwrap and twine baler.  when in auto wrap the baler would call for the netwrap and then the command would switch itself to twine and extend the twine arms.  Now the command will not let us change back over to netwrap.  We had a serviceman meet us at the field (yep first day with new baler), he checked over the sensors, adjusted the tailgate sensor, checked to be certain that the netwrap mechanism would run.  He did get the command to switch over on his brand new one he brought to the field back to netwrap, but again, when trying to run a netwrap cycle the command switched to twine again!  He checked over the wiring, wiring harness, pins in the connections and was baffled as to what the fix would be.


Anyone ever experienced this issue?  Previous owner says he never experienced it with the baler and does not know what to tell us.  



NH Br780 with Netwrap and Bale Command Plus problems

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